Image of Open door to the Ante Chapel

Sunday Evensong for Pentecost with Address

19 May 2024 18.00 - 19.00
Add to Calendar19/05/2024 18:0019/05/2024 19:00Europe/LondonSunday Evensong for Pentecost with Address College ChapelfalseDD/MM/YYYY15Jesus Collegeevent_12797confirmed
Jesus College Chapel

Choral Evensong for Pentecost Day, featuring an address by Dr Christoph Schneider

To mark the day that the Holy Spirit descended upon Mary and the Apostles of Jesus, the College Choir will sing 'The Living Fire', a collaboration by two Jesus College alumnae with words by Ella Curry (Jesus, 2019) and music by Mary Offer (Jesus, 2019), alongside works by Leighton and Tallis.

The fifth address of Easter Term will be given by Dr Christoph Schneider, Academic Director of the Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies, on 'Dostoevsky and the Audacity of Self-Transcendence'. For more information about Easter term's address series and other services this term, please see the Chapel Termcard and Music List.  

All Chapel services are open to College members and staff, their guests, and members of the public. For those who cannot attend, Sunday Evensong is usually live-streamed and available to watch on the Chapel Facebook Page.